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Episode 01: Channeling Densu

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Welcome to the Dove in the Details podcast. In this episode Ahmeda gives the first of a 2-part introduction by sharing a spoken word piece, Channeling Densu. This piece was inspired by the book “The healers” by Ayi Kwei Armah, a world renowned Ghanaian author. You can buy some of his work here. The full text of the poem can be found in the blog. It is also copied below.

Channeling Densu ?!?

Sep 7 2008.

I can sense my supa-powers
rekindling time-honored internal fires,
releasing barely-suppressed, spiritually-encoded desires
I am channeling... Densu.

Inspired by the healers, I make no more excuses.
with boldness and a humility that is yet to come,
I am unsure, but willing
exposed but hidden.

Nevertheless I carry on
finding courage cocooned in my knowledge
This decision was made b4 I stood.
If truth was one to be told
I re-member the story be-spoken from old
I am chaneling.. Densu.

retreating into the sound-box of my mind
I am led by the melodic timbre of his voice.
Ahhh! I clap my hands with unbridled delight
Light of foot and quickened by earnest
I joyfully journey into my eastern forest.
I am channeling.. Densu.

A captive pigeon, I am now captivated!
released by the shot of a wise inspirer,
freed by the choice of a healer-admirer
Yes!!! Once again I hear the melodic timbre of his voice.
A divine design I know this to be unfolding.
I am channeling.. Densu.

Embracing my journey as it unfolds
I finally conclusively shun my manipulators hold
An elusive understanding of self is manifesting..
Open minds, Open hearts,
a soul bared, a spirit shared
I am channeling... Densu.

With effortless grace I unfurl my wings.
Seeking unparalleled heights I begin to Soar
knowing and growing
A change has come
This beautiful one yet to be, is finally born
I am channeling... Densu.